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ADSL-->FreeBox+TV-->Barricade SMC7804WBRA-->Wireles
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Inscrit le: 28 Sep 2004
Messages: 14
Localisation: Vieux Nice

MessagePosté le: 28-Sep-04 20:19:54    Sujet du message: ADSL-->FreeBox+TV-->Barricade SMC7804WBRA-->Wireles Répondre en citant

Salut a tous, tres desolee pour mon Francais.... je just arrive en France et ne parles pas trez bien du tout mais je comprend en peu - sorry for my terrible French ... hope to learn it with the help of your forum
Mon Question :
Comment configure SMC Barricade SMC7804WBRA Wireless Router derriere une Freebox pour partage Wireless internet avec pluseurs des ordinateurs portable? Le ADSL master is Freebox et Barricade connecte avec Freebox via Ethernet marche pour une ordinateur (IBook) mais ne marche pas pour plusseurs ordinateurs portables....
Je deja regarde le dossier Airport Xtreme avec Freebox ...mais SMC Barricade pas facile a configure et donc je arrive pas ....

Je suis completment perdu .... Any ideas?

Merci en avance pour les rerponses.
You can write to me in French -English -Frangais -Russian-Dutch .....just write something please.

My Setup:
ADSL-->FreeBox+TV-->Barricade SMC7804WBRA-->Wireless LAN vers la ordinateurs sans fils...marche seulement pour 1 ordinateur
My Network Preferences:
connect via : using DHCP
Subnet Mask :
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Inscrit le: 28 Sep 2004
Messages: 14
Localisation: Vieux Nice

MessagePosté le: 29-Sep-04 01:51:59    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

je sais ..... you probably do not feel like to help someone that doesn't write correctly in Francais .....but maybe there is someone here that doesn't mind to write and read in other language than french ..just for a change??? i tryed to do my best to explain myself in my broken french ...why would'n you try it even in broken english for once?
Is it a Taboo here ...maybe i tuched something sacred or secret, than sorry 'bout that.

Dernière édition par bigahboy le 29-Sep-04 15:08:28; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 07 Mar 2001
Messages: 9963
Localisation: Taulier de la Bastille

MessagePosté le: 29-Sep-04 02:43:00    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


It's not a taboo to speak english. But we haven't more englishmen here (me too). Speak french is more easy for us.

I dont remember, but I'm not sure that the SMC7804WBRA works correctly with the freebox.


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Inscrit le: 28 Sep 2004
Messages: 14
Localisation: Vieux Nice

MessagePosté le: 29-Sep-04 05:28:14    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

merci pour votre response ,
la Barricade SMC7804WBRA marche avec Freebox IP fix "straight out of the box" - directement sans acune reconfigurations , mais seulement pour 1 ordinateur (iBook+ cart Airport Extreme)
.... Comment configurer Barricade a la maniere de "Freebox et Borne Airport Extreme" pour partage avec plusseurs de ordinateurs (comme dans votre great tutorielle sur BTW -bravo! ) ?
Le vendeur dans un Mac magazine ma dite que SMC7804WBRA marche tres bien derriere Freebox degroupee memme comme la Borne AirPort EXtreme...?

P.S. je suis pas Englishman ou Americain - je suis musicien d'origine russe qui parles English, Dutch, German, picollo Italiano, en petit peu Francais
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Inscrit le: 09 Fév 2003
Messages: 12566
Localisation: Paris 13e

MessagePosté le: 29-Sep-04 08:03:54    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Have you checked that the other computers "see" the wifi network ? are they PCs or Macs ? Maybe it is an issue with the crypting feature of your router: try and disconnect it for a start.

Speaking english is not the issue; maybe nobody has had the issue with your Barricade before, or these who had just did not happen to come on the forum last night. What is tabu on any forum is to complain in capital letters that nobody wants to help when the initial post has been around for just a few hours. You need to leave some time, a forum is not a hot-line at your disposal

gaspou, n'a pas vu de Barricade depuis la Commune, mais peut traduire les contributions
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Inscrit le: 28 Sep 2004
Messages: 14
Localisation: Vieux Nice

MessagePosté le: 29-Sep-04 15:15:11    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

gaspou a écrit:
Have you checked that the other computers "see" the wifi network ? are they PCs or Macs ? Maybe it is an issue with the crypting feature of your router: try and disconnect it for a start.

Yes, bouth computers are Macs Powerbook G3 and iBook G4 they bought see the SMC network ...but only one can use the web with the fix IP from Free the other has a diffrent internal IP. there must be a way to configure the Barricade in the same way as the Born Airport Xtreme....

gaspou a écrit:
Speaking english is not the issue; maybe nobody has had the issue with your Barricade before, or these who had just did not happen to come on the forum last night. What is tabu on any forum is to complain in capital letters that nobody wants to help when the initial post has been around for just a few hours. You need to leave some time, a forum is not a hot-line at your disposal

You'r absolutely right Gaspou, i was just impatient and maybe a bit frustrated about myself not being able to explain myself clearly in good french - the language i admire and want to learn . I addited my first post .
Thanks for Your answer.
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Inscrit le: 09 Fév 2003
Messages: 12566
Localisation: Paris 13e

MessagePosté le: 29-Sep-04 15:30:18    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Either the routeur distributes specific IPs or dynamic IPs (see here for a brilliant explanation). This choice is yours to make. Typically to input parameters in a router, you type an internet adress (for a Thomson it is; for your Barriciade it should be different) which gets you in the operating system of the router, where you can choose the type of IP addressing. Did you try this ? you must have a book with instructions ?

gaspou, a du mal avec le vocabulaire informatique
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Inscrit le: 09 Fév 2003
Messages: 12566
Localisation: Paris 13e

MessagePosté le: 29-Sep-04 17:26:14    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Here's a link to instructions in english for your Barricade:

And this may help too.
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Inscrit le: 28 Sep 2004
Messages: 14
Localisation: Vieux Nice

MessagePosté le: 29-Sep-04 23:18:03    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Merci Gaspou,
i 've checked all links, and still trying to find anything on Google about it.
The problem is that all tutorials (including the printed and PDF in English and French) are talking about howto configure SMC Barricade Wireless as a standalone DSL modem-router , but i need to use SMC Barricade just as Wireless Router and not as ADSL modem.

What i am trying to achieve is to have Freebox connected to ADSL line + TV( i need to keep Freebox for TV) and to have Ethernet out of Freebox connected to Barricade Router witch will redistribute the internal IP adresses to the rest of my wireless network trough it's built in DHSP, like in your great tutorial about the Airport Etreme Station + Freebox.

There is nothing mentioned about SMC as a router alone with another ADSL modem in the printed manual or in PDF
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Inscrit le: 07 Mar 2001
Messages: 7354
Localisation: Paris Nancy

MessagePosté le: 29-Sep-04 23:49:25    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Maybe the best solution is calling the hotline : 0800 90 91 98 (it's free from a France Telecom line phone).

But I think that your goal is unreachable, since the NAT on this gear is applied on the DSL link.
parrainage boursorama

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Inscrit le: 28 Sep 2004
Messages: 14
Localisation: Vieux Nice

MessagePosté le: 30-Sep-04 03:07:52    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Anthony a écrit:
Maybe the best solution is calling the hotline : 0800 90 91 98 (it's free from a France Telecom line phone).

Merci Anthony , i could try that but read lots of pessimistic mesages about SMC hotline people..mais je ve asseayer.

Anthony a écrit:
But I think that your goal is unreachable, since the NAT on this gear is applied on the DSL link.

ca s'est triste , if it's true than it is a great pity.
But Freebox has a fixed IP address and passes that address to Barricade Router witch does resent it to 1 single iBook wirelessly.... there must be a trick to enable NAT on Barricade trough Ethernet link ....or is it only possible on real Apple Aiport Extreme station? Of course i can connect to Free directly with Barricade ...but then there will be no TV.

merci a tous pour me aide , thanks alot to everyone pour tous les reponses. This site is one of its kind on the web for Mac ADSL users.
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Inscrit le: 28 Sep 2004
Messages: 14
Localisation: Vieux Nice

MessagePosté le: 30-Sep-04 03:12:16    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

in fact i am doing that for a Jazz Club , they have finally got Freebox +TV(degropee) after 4 month of wayting .... that is why there is a need for multiple Wi-Fi- (Airport ) connection possibilities.

Dernière édition par bigahboy le 30-Sep-04 16:43:35; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 09 Fév 2003
Messages: 12566
Localisation: Paris 13e

MessagePosté le: 30-Sep-04 07:49:47    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

bigahboy a écrit:
in fact i am doing that for a Jazz Club here in Veux -Nice called Le Bar Des Oiseaux

Rhôôô ... Clandestine advertising ... you are facing a severe penalty, like sending back your Freebox and then asking for a new one only using the Free hotline

Je n'y connais rien en Freebox, mais notre ami ne pourrait-il pas utiliser son modem barricade pour gérer internet, et mettre derrière le modem la free box en fonction routage qui pourrait distribuer les IP et la télé ?

gaspou, trying to think outside the (free)box
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Inscrit le: 07 Mar 2001
Messages: 7354
Localisation: Paris Nancy

MessagePosté le: 30-Sep-04 10:51:25    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

bigahboy a écrit:
or is it only possible on real Apple Aiport Extreme station?

Yes, the Airport stations are built to work with an external Ethernet modem.
parrainage boursorama

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Inscrit le: 28 Sep 2004
Messages: 14
Localisation: Vieux Nice

MessagePosté le: 30-Sep-04 16:42:11    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

gaspou a écrit:
Rhôôô ... Clandestine advertising ... you are facing a severe penalty, like sending back your Freebox and then asking for a new one only using the Free hotline

i wasn't trying to advertize anything, just thought maybe someone of you been there before is a small world - world of Jazz music in France and i am as a musician do not mind to loose my anonimity on this board. but i edited that one again.
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