altimac Membre habitué
Inscrit le: 07 Mar 2001 Messages: 73
Posté le: 1-Jan-70 02:00:00 Sujet du message: |
j'espere que ca ne derange pas que je post en anglais... sinon, dites le moi, je traduirai en FR !
hi !
i'm on dsl. When the modem is directly connected to my mac, QT can "autoconfigure" (look at QT options) itself and use RTSP/UDP protocol on port 554 to download the online videos... this protocol *seems* to be the best for videos (no control...)
but when using my mac via LAN (ppp), "autoconfigure" only recognizes the HTTP (port 80) protocol... It works but i think it's not optimized for video...
what is the problem ?
i opened the port number 554 on my rooter (grace a macADSL, comme g fait avec le port 6700 et 5500... mais en UDP cette fois ci), but it doesn't help.
any idea ?